Inflammation Vs. Dementia: Can Special Anti-Inflammatories Slow It Down?:
They say in Math, 1+1=2 and in Biology, 1+1=5.
That just might be true for some of the strange ways that researchers find a solution.
Because among the health problems we might face, Dementia is a big one.
And many solutions from big companies have been tried, with notable failures.
So what’s a researcher to do, give up hope and shut down their division like a few biotechs have?
Nope. Not if you’re Daniela Kaufer and Alon Friedman. You don’t quit; you get weird. And a big part of the solution might one day be as simple as popping an Advil…
Drilling Down The Symptoms To Curative Gold?:
So when researchers try to fight a disease, they look at the symptoms and try to drill-down to what’s causing them.
This seems logical, and can eventually get to the fix.
But for a long time, Dementia & Alzheimer’s have frustrated the people trying to beat them.
So far, they’ve gone from looking at ways to fix A-B plaques, Blockages called Taus, the odd presence of Aluminum in some cases,
And more recently gotten a bit stranger with things like Herpes, and Gingivitis.
But The Short Answer for the recent work is that Kaufer & Friedman found special types of anti-inflammatories, doing things similar to good ole’ Advil,
Can shut-down inflammation in a test-subject’s brain, and within a few days, they are back to functioning at better & more-youthful levels of cognitive performance!
Read on to find out the details…
Innovative Approaches Are Still Out There:
In order to fight these symptoms and hopefully conquer Dementia,
SCIENCE! has come up with some increasingly-creative, freakonomics-style approaches recently,
Just the kind of thing that’s right down the HT-alley.
A few of these include:
1) Green Tea
2) Omega 3 & Fish Oils
3) Finding The Brain’s Cleanup-System
4) Ultrasound
5) Avoiding Harmful Meds
6) THC From Marijuana
7) Repurposing An Old Wide-Spectrum Anti-Inflammatory
8) Reducing Saturated Fats & Improving Diet
9) Repurposing An AutoImmune Drug
10) Repurposing A Cousin of Aspirin
11) Avoiding Inflammatory Foods
12) Low-Dose Alcohol
13) Cardiovascular Exercise
14) Getting Mushrooms In Your Diet
15) Trans-Cranial Electro-Magnetism
16) Zombie-Cell Cleanup
The Amazing Combination Of 3 Factors Shows Results:
Then in a weird 1-2-3-punch, the Kaufer team recently put together an awesomeness sandwich based on, of all things, an idea about epilepsy.
-Which is basically an electromagnetic storm in the brain.
Or a Disruption…
So in their forwards-backwards thinking, that team started with the idea that maybe there was a disruption.
-Especially in a previously-healthy person, like a soldier who had been near a roadside-bomb,
But wasn’t killed and ended up with things like PTSD and Epilepsy-like symptoms.
And that plugs right-in to their previous work that shows sometimes the brain’s protective-filter gets compromised.
So if it’s not keeping things out, then what’s getting in?
And what is it doing?
Two Studies And A Boutique Drug Show Great Results:
And with 2 published studies, a few more trials, and a boutique drug,
Kaufer, Friedman, & Friends show that
1) They can reverse Dementia symptoms in a few days with anti-inflammatories
2) MRIs indicate many people have a compromised filter around their brains
3) A specific protein gets in and causes inflammation
4) They can shut it off with a custom drug that works on 1 receptor
5) They checked all their work by testing the reverse-cases.
This is especially-important, because massive brain-inflammation in the memory-center is one of the hallmark-problems of Alzheimer’s and Dementia.
So at the minimum, they can stop that, just like the previous work by other doctors.
The other reason it’s important is that although Daniela & Alon refute the idea that brain-aging is some kind of dying-off,
What Does happen, is that past the age of 70, more than 1/2 the population gets holes in their brain’s protective-filter.
So they will need one version or another of this fix eventually.
Human Tests Confirm The Same Problems With Inflammation & Dementia:
More good news.
In the tests, they not only found a way to stop the inflammation and get impaired test-subjects behaving like functional, young ones in a few days,
They also found a way to repair the protective-barrier around the brain,
So that the pollutant-proteins that leak in stop getting-in.
Furthermore, not only do they have the EEG tests that show test-animals had electrical-disturbances similar to Epilepsy,
Right in their memory-centers!,
But when examining older, human brains, after formulating their original theory,
They found all 3 of the main problems they theorized:
1) Leaky Protective Barrier
2) Albumin-Protein Pollution at the TGF-B site
3) Brain-Cell Inflammation
They Haven’t Solved A-B & Tau Cleanup Yet, But There Is Still Hope:
Some bad news and some more good news.
Although they have not come up with the perfect cleanup-solution to deal with the AB & Tau junk,
Just like most other biotechs out there.
There is some even better news!
Kaufer and Friedman are now starting their own company to provide their solutions to actual patients.
So at the very-least, they might be able to fix a leaky-barrier,
Stop the inflammation, block the problem-receptor with their friend Barry Hart’s boutique drug,
And perhaps slow-down or even stop Dementia/Alzheimer’s in patients who do have it.
In the meantime, maybe the brain’s cleanup-system can clear out the excess junk while we wait for better solutions on that part.
Either way, to find out that just an anti-inflammatory could restore huge amounts of brainpower to Dementia-sufferers is a pretty amazing result; can’t wait for the future!
References & Links:
• Source: UC Berkeley
• Source Studies:
1) STM – Blood-brain barrier dysfunction in aging induces hyperactivation of TGFβ signaling and chronic yet reversible neural dysfunction
2) STM – Paroxysmal slow cortical activity in Alzheimer’s disease and epilepsy is associated with blood-brain barrier dysfunction
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