-Saving at least a little face in the bottom of the 9th.
A recent study on obesity in children showed that the obese group of was 2x as likely to have BPA in them, but only provided they were white.
The jury is still out, with the more likely candidate being Soda Consumption, as BPA is part of the plastic bottles it comes in.
The lining of canned vegetables was discussed as a possible source, but this seems less likely to my mind.
Why? The carbonation in soda eventually creates Carbonic Acid over time in the drink.
-Ask Yourself: Which has a greater interior surface-area & quantity of plastic, -a 2-liter bottle, or a can of beans?
Do check out the links;
-Especially for some of the discussion about the date of BPA’s introduction in the 50s being decoupled from the bump in child obesity, and some further ideas on “Obesogens”.
Photo Credits:
“bottle neck”, by Katja S
• More Coverage:
CBS News-BPA & Obesogens | NIH-BPA In Children | UsaToday-BPA in Children
• Source Study: JAMA-Association Between Urinary Bisphenol A Concentration and Obesity Prevalence in Children and Adolescents
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