While you’re busy avoiding imported Asian seafood until the government-inspection backlog clears,
Make sure to check out the FAQ-style podcast called, “Please Explain” over at the Leonard Lopate show on the subject of Food Poisoning and the recent Foster Farms Salmonella Outbreak.
And while your mind’s in that space, have a look back at Reader Zach’s update to our Clay-Eating Cheeky Monkeys Stomach Flu Remedy Post,
-Along with the first post that inspired it.
Zach S. put in a truly high-quality reader-comment that day.
If you’re curious at-all about food safety, it’s a good podcast.
-Even if just for the work that Consumer Reports’ Food Safety Center has done on the outbreak centered on Foster Farms’ 3 plants that have had an average level of salmonella more than 2x the allowable federal limit.
But Leonard, Robert, Urvashi and the callers don’t stop there.
Washing greens, refrigeration, botulism, bacteria, viruses, magical Sweden, etc., all touched-on; -Worth a Listen.
Photo Credits:
“Bubbles”, by Neil Hoskins
• Source: LLS, Please Explain, Food Poisoning
• More Coverage: ABC 30 | Stephen Morse | CR, Urvashi Rangan, USDA Decision on Foster Farms | Donate to Consumer Reports’ Food Sus. & Safety Here
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