No Such Thing As A Free Lunch. -Or Dessert:
In the war on Fat, science has spent decades on an antidote to one main offender.
Because it’s not fat that makes you fat, it’s all the stuff that ruins your blood-sugar & insulin.
And one thing all phony-sugars had in-common, is that they were a bit iffy on what exactly their compounds did once inside your body.
Now we can add a possible link to stroke & dementia to their resume, but previous research may explain why…
But First, An Exercise-Nutritionist’s Outlook & The Big Bomb:
Sugar might be bad. In quantity, really bad.
But if you have so little room in your exercise & nutrition plan that you can’t afford a few teaspoons of sugar and have to resort to artificial sweeteners,
-You’ve got much bigger problems.
And now, perhaps the biggest bomb of the study that gives us our main story:
No connection was found between Stroke or Dementia frequencies and the intake of sugar-sweetened beverages.
No Link Between Regular Sodas & Dementia Or Stroke:
Let’s restate it. -Even though this study can only show Correlation & not really confirm Causation,
No connection was found between Stroke or Dementia frequencies and the intake of sugar-sweetened beverages.
-Only artificially-sweetened beverages…
So How Much Bigger Is The Risk?:
And in the two target groups of almost 3,000 people over 45 and almost 1,500 over 60,
::drumroll please:
Subjects in the target groups were each about 3x More Likely to have a stroke or get dementia if they drank 1 diet soda per day.
Which, combined with the previous observation on sugar, is weird.
Because many studies have shown adverse-effects from sugary drink intake like diabetes, & cardiovascular problems.
Dr. Ralph Sacco On Why:
So, then, what the actual hell?
Why do sugar-drinkers get the diabetic-chubbies & cardios,
While the seemingly-TINY dose of what was allegedly-proven safe-for-human-consumption in test-after-test is correlated with an increase of different & weirder problems?
Well 1 doctor Ralph Sacco, who wrote an editorial paper on the study has a pretty good hypothesis:
Atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries.
-Both of which, he cites are associated with increase incidence of Stroke & Dementia.
Kicker #2, Or The Missing-Link:
Those sweeteners might be absolutely safe-for-human-consumption,
-If you consider ONLY their effects on body+blood-chemistry, and nothing else.
Because, ::2nd drumroll please:: back a few years ago,
Dr. Eran Elinav’s team at the Weizmann Institute of Science found that artificial sweeteners don’t work,
And they end up raising your blood-sugar anyway.
They change the microbes in your gut.
Double-Checking, Downstream-Effects & Recovery-Time:
By double-checking the gut-bugs, Eran’s team verified that the makeup was changed, and this affected all kinds of stuff,
Right out to impacting your blood-sugar levels; unusually-so.
Furthermore, it took Four Whole Weeks after the artificial-sweeteners stopped for the test-subjects’ metabolism to return to normal.
Probiotics, The New Daily Vitamin:
Pair that with the recent Hygiene-Hypothesis-like advice that Probiotics Should Be Taken Like Daily Vitamins,
And you could see why scientific follow-up comments to Eran’s study from other doctors like Cathryn Nagler even suggested probiotic-interventions to fix microbe-problems.
And these cover issues that overweight people might not even know they have.
Different Tests, But Weizmann Institute Of Science FTW, Regardless!:
So, Eran did not test for Stroke or Dementia.
But given the immense effects he did find, there might be a very strong suggestion that tested-as-safe sweeteners may be wreaking havoc in very unanticipated-ways,
And that there are other parts of our health that are MUCH more important than anyone ever thought before!
Check out all the details at the Links:
Photo Credits: “Beads, Fake Pearl”, by Ewa Kubiak
• Source: BU-Med
• via: CNN
• More Coverage:
• HT-Artificial Sweeteners Wreak Havoc On Gut Microbes
• Stroke-Editorial, Sugar-Sweetened and Artificially Sweetened Beverages in Relation to Stroke and Dementia, Are Soft Drinks Hard on the Brain?
• Source Study: Stroke-Sugar and Artificially Sweetened Beverages and the Risks of Incident Stroke and Dementia, A Prospective Cohort Study
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