-Or 80% dog?
-Or 50% banana?
Actual reality may be a little more complex than high-school biology lead you to believe.
Check out the vid to see a few of the faults in the original theory…
Read More >Health & Wellness Research Weblog | HealthTrekker
Health & Wellness Weblog With Tips And Hacks
-Or 80% dog?
-Or 50% banana?
Actual reality may be a little more complex than high-school biology lead you to believe.
Check out the vid to see a few of the faults in the original theory…
Read More >Filed Under: Featured, Nutrition, Other, Thinking Out Loud, Video
You have to admit, this guy must have the metabolism of a hummingbird.
Pretty slim & healthy for someone who eats only cookies. The entire HT readership is green with envy.
Maybe this “Stoner Stanley”-style musing is just the result of a sugar-high…
Read More >Filed Under: Announcements, Other
For everyone who’s said or written anything honest, cracked a joke, or offended the easily-offended: #JeSuisCharlie.
For the discerning, yet old-school health nerd, Alicia Watkins has come up with some fantastic gifts for the cross-stitch boosting, microbe aficionado on your gift list.
The 8×10″, 12 microbe sampler above is just one of many gifts by the multi-medium nerd-crafter in her cross-stitch gallery.
Other choices besides the 12 include: Rabies,…
Etsy-The 12 Microbe Sampler
For that small minority of civilians out there that have wondered what a given doctor-critter was saying on TV, in-print, online, -anywhere; The Medical Library Association has put out a guide just for you.
It’s basically in the format of a small, pamphletized Dictionary with whole & partial terms, prefixes & suffixes, all under each starting-letter and a short, plain-english explanation underneath…
Read More >Filed Under: Better Living Through Chemistry, Other, Stupid Health Tricks
So as much as I can’t believe it, Powdered Alcohol is actually a thing. -I mean, alcohol evaporates, so isn’t it just like Canned-Sunshine, Mountain Air, or Military Intelligence?…
Well apparently it’s even been kicking around for awhile, like c.1974 here in ‘MURICA; -interestingly developed by General Foods.
-For what? Like on breakfast-cereals,…
Filed Under: Exercise, Featured, Nutrition, Other, Weight Loss / Fat Loss
1 Apple, 1 Can of Tuna, Coffee, Cigarettes & Vitamins to lose 63lbs. -or 34% of his mass in 4 months for “The Machinist”?
A little tiny bit more food, but running 4+ hour Ultra-Marathon-equivalents to lose almost as much between “Terminator Salvation” and “The Fighter”?
…-My Complaining? -OVER!…
Filed Under: Nutrition, Other, Weight Loss / Fat Loss
A lot of times when you read new health info on the internet, you have to take it with a grain of salt.
Well Eric Lipton helps shed some new light on just how bad that can get with his piece at the NYT on the shadowy showdown between the Sugar and Corn Industries and their operators (which hopefully doesn’t include the Rutgers work on Soda).
The digest reads abit like one of those old “Spy Vs. Spy” cartoons,…