Raw-Foodies… …
-Sooooooo Burrrrrrrrned!!!
It’s anathema for people like that to get over the “Eat it as I found it”-mantra, but various forms of cooking can help develop/change the amount of nutrients that actually make it into your bloodstream,
… -instead of just passing through you.
One of the veggies that benefits is the tomato. Raw food studies have found people deficient in Lycopene if it’s not cooked. ->Viva Italia!
It turns out even different cooking methods can have different effects. Microwaving can be better than the always-healthy-looking Steaming for some vegetables.
Boiling and Frying as expected, were particularly bad for all types of nutrients.
The biggest nutrient-destroying factors are High Temperatures, Long Cooking times, Alkalis (ex: baking soda and hard water), Prolonged Contact With Water, and Oxidation.
Photo Credits:”Red Little Tomato”, by Paola PB, dabobabo.it
NYT-Best Cooking CBS-Cooking CityTV NYT-Microwaving
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