Diet reviews can be a big help to predict your likely results and it turns out Consumer Reports found peer-pressure wins out in the end!
I knew I should have done what all the Cool Kids were doing. Damn!
So, Weight Watchers comes out as CR’s highest reviewed diet!
-Both for its simplicity and high retention rate.
Those weekly indoctrination meetings with free Kool-aid seem to help also.
Slim-Fast was their second choice based on convenience.
–If it’s at every 7-11 next to the Chee-Tos, I guess it’s hard to fall off the wagon, eh?
The hardest diets got the worst Consumer Reports review scores, though…
Shockingly, the most difficult and technical diets got lower marks.
Because they’re so fussy, people eventually bail on them, instead of just picking up a can of something anywhere they go.
It seems odd for reviewers to call ‘the Zone’ high protein, because it has so much fat in it. 30%, right?
Out of the ones on the list, I’ve tried 2. They were fair. The average calorie #s on CR’s chart look a little low.
And though some calorie-saving is good, if you put your body into starvation mode, it could backfire.
Of all variables, simplicity and just the ability to keep people on the plan were the biggest deciding factors.
*Consumer Reports does charge for access to the full-blown diet reviews and MSNBC has a good short synopsis, so…:
Photo Credits: “Rock Piles 1”, by Lars Sundstrom
MSNBC-Consumer Reports Reviews & Scores All Major Diets
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