One of the problems we have right now with obesity is that we are in an unprecedented time of caloric & sugary plenty in the developed world.
The reason that’s an issue is the human body evolved its metabolism to store fat, so you don’t die in a famine. -A thing we still used to have until very recently.
So now, where the body has not caught up to the times, science has.
Because if scientists have their way, your present damnation of excess fat could strangely become your salvation.
You Have Two Types Of Bodyfat
It turns out there are not just one, but two different types of fat in the body; white and brown.
White fat is not inert, especially since it kicks out so many hormones that in-excess, it just might be killing you. But it’s also somehow not helping your metabolism, either.
Join The Dark Side, We Metabolize Cookies
Brown fat on the other hand is awesome, even though there’s so little of it; because it actually has a metabolic component. -The stuff burns calories!
So, what to do if you’re a very clever biochemist like Shingo Kajimura and you’re faced with a nation of fatties dying (sometimes literally) to lose it?
You fool around with all the biological switches you can find.
The Best Jedis Use The Power of Their Enemies Against Them
-Which is what he did, & found a way to turn around a switch in white fat. And that little switch makes it magically metabolic like brown fat.
BAM! Now your worst enemy works in your favor. -Okay, one of your worst enemies, besides; you know -yourself.
Still Early Days…
Again, just like many of the things here, this is still early-days. And right now, the metabolic-effects of the switch are expected to be mild.
But with the drug that makes the enzyme-witchery happen generally regarded as safe, there is no telling how far this could go in the future.
The Future Power Of A Healthier ECA-Type Burner-Stack
Perhaps there’s a much more safe & effective version of the Ephedrine-Caffeine-Aspirin-Widowmaker-stack people used to risk their lives for, right around the corner?
-What if it’s just a much more powerful & effective version of the CK2-targeting drug?
Exercise-In-A-Bottle, here we come!
Check out the details at the Links:
Photo Credits: “Baton Sprint”, by West Point Military Academy
• Source: UCSF
• via: TheVerge
• Source Studies: CellMetabolism-Phosphoproteomics Identifies CK2 as a Negative Regulator of Beige Adipocyte Thermogenesis and Energy Expenditure
Nature-Genetic and functional characterization of clonally derived adult human brown adipocytes
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