Drug researchers have been trying for at least as long as regular Viagra for men to make a version of the same for women.
Sometimes, they’ve even gone as far as testing regular Viagra on women for the same effects.
And of course, results were inconsistent.
Well, just a few days ago, the FDA approved the newest drug-salvo in that pleasure war, Addyi.
But unfortunately, if it’s a victory at all, it’s a Pyrrhic one.
What isn’t touted quite as much as the possibility of treating female sexual problems, is the fact the drug doesn’t seem that great at all.
If anything, the victory resides only in the marketing campaign.
-And honestly, if there’s a drug that REALLY works to help women have a good time, do you think it 1) needs aggressive marketing, or 2) needs no marketing at all, because it will be another “product that sells itself”.
-Yup, #2.
The drugmaker that’s just been acquired by Valeant to produce the drug after approval is in-fact, Not the one that invented the drug.
It has been developed, and discarded, by another drug company previously: Boehringer Ingelheim of Germany, and as an antidepressant, not a solution for Hypoactive Sexual Disorder.
Discarded? -Why? -Because it didn’t really work that well. So not-well that it’s already been rejected 2x by the drug administration.
In-fact the current approval is seen by many FDA watchers as a loss for good regulation.
Because the drug has limited upside of 10% affected population or less, 0.7 improved events per week, ~10x the risk for some side-effects, interacts badly with alcohol, and must be taken daily, not per-incident like Viagra. -So you live with the risk of those side-effects every single day, too.
So unfortunately, women’s problems in yet another arena seem to be less simple than men’s, and this drug doesn’t really seem to fix them.
And until something better comes along, it’s looking like the crown of best “Female Viagra” still goes to either Chardonnay or a Cosmopolitan.
-Or less-safely, Rick James’ favorite [helluva] drug, Cocaine.
Check out the specifics at the Links:
JUMP BONUS!: Here Are a Few Alternatives…
If you want to try something different than the alcohol route, why not supplements?
(as long as you pay up for quality, and check them out with your doctor first, especially for side-effects, drug-interactions, and your pre-existing conditions)
A non-exhaustive list includes:
1) Pycnogenol
2) Yohimbe
3) Damiana
4) Muira Puama
5) Ginkgo
6) Shatavari
7) Maca
8) L-Arginine
-Out of that entire list, in my personal experience, I’ve heard the most consistently-good things about Maca.
Note that you can’t take it as an extract in capsules, you have to get a tablespoon or two of it. For some reason it cannot be further concentrated.
JUMP BONUS 2!: One More Thing…
Another supplement I have some experience with is Rhodiola.
Your mileage may vary, but I felt [ok, Very] noticeably more frisky after taking it, as it raises both Serotonin & Dopamine (a little bit like Rick James’ favorite drug).
The target-dose is medium in size. Too little and it doesn’t do a lot, too much and all you get is energy. The dose I took was about 400mg, adjust yours accordingly.
It wears off in about 6 hours and there is no low or crash after using it.
+It also seems to expire quickly, so use it while you have it.
Photo Credits: “Myself, 2”, by madam Besson
• Source: MNT
• via: Wired
• More Coverage: NationalPost | WebMD-Natural Libido Boosters | WebMD-Rhodiola | Orgasm, Inc. (search for the female viagra)
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