Unfortunately, the backlash would be too great. -But there really should be a TV show called, “Women Say The Darndest Things!” :D
Just because there is much published about what women Say, as opposed to what they actually Do.
And those are two very different things.
But for the time being, a few scientists, who probably don’t get out much, have published another, in the long cavalcade war of attempts to scrute the inscrutable female, and what attracts them to men.
And for a few of us, it’s good news.
It turns out that in this study, the women in it Said that they preferred men with a Red or Yellow pallor to their skin; -or some combination of the two.
Other tones? -Not so much.
One of the odd theories that comes out of this is that women the world over have built up an natural intolerance to The Idle Rich 1% and their sleazy, lecherous, libertine-bombastery;
-most notably over the course of the 17- and 1800s.
-I guess that dang Giacomo Casanova really did screw everyone.
+And what with women’s connection to the immortal gossip grapevine, blue-blooded men are still paying the price for those transgressions, even today!
Okay, that blue-blood-bias part I totally made up; -but not bad, right?
Actually, their real theory has more to do with a woman’s better-than-average perception for color; -particularly in the red-orange area of the spectrum, and some correlation with health;
-either Diet, Circulation, Fitness, or something else entirely.
Hit up the links for more of the specifics on the depth and breadth of the study and who and where they put the questions out to; especially some of the variables those crazy ladies said didn’t matter.
(yes, it was a small sample size; -oh, well…)
(no, they are not paying us anything)
Photo Credits: “asian autumn 2”, by Martin Boulanger
• via: Neatorama
• More Coverage: NatGeo.com
• Source Study: PLoS One: Does Masculinity Matter? The Contribution of Masculine Face Shape to Male Attractiveness in Humans
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