In a Study of about ~500 12-year-olds, it turns out playing video games is linked to Increases in Creativity.
Not sure what exactly it is,
But there always seemed to be something about High-School that changed the way peoples’ brains worked, right up until they were about 26.
-Probably just excessive preoccupation with the opposite sex. So in a way this research doesn’t surprise. I’m sure somewhere there’s another study out there confirming most people are at their IQ-Superfreakiest in Middle-School. -Anyway…
The interesting part was that the results showed ONLY video games led to the increase.
-NOT other uses of tech, like internet, facebook, general computing and mobile computing like smartphones & texting.
The study did not delineate between which types of computer games exactly, but they mentioned that the games girls played vs. boys, violent vs. non-violent did not matter.
It also did not mention if either sex had an advantage. I would imagine it was boys, as they generally game abit more.
Note: Previous studies have shown that video games also raise IQ.
Photo Credits: “Video games for the people”, by Aaron Meyers, aaron-meyers.com
• via: Geekosystem
• More Coverage: MSU | ComputersInHumanBehavior | Bunge.Lab
• Source Study: Information technology use and creativity: Findings from the Children and Technology Project
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