So clearly, The Goog is just jealous of code genius, Brittany Wenger’s Neural Networks.
And to that end, they are creating another “Moonshot” project out of their X-Division, similar to “Calico”
This one is set to be something like the Charles Darwin of the human genome. -But to an end.
Maybe one day, there will be a more blown-out version of NatGeo’s Geno 2.0 targeted at health, but right now Google wants to map the paradigm of the ideal healthy person’s genome in a project they’re calling “Baseline”.
In an effort that is sure to raise all kinds of concerns, from privacy, to insurance, to Nicholas Cage stealing your face, their hired-gun Dr. Andrew Conrad will be collecting all kinds of data from about 175 people.
The takeaway would be to use the massive storage, computational-patterning & probably machine-learning of the GPlex to find a type of Venn-Diagram DNA-Intersection from all the people in their group who appear to have healthy function in all their systems.
-Volunteer Human Lab-Rats, FTW!!
After the initial efforts, Dr. Conrad’s team of experts at X-Projects will come up with some more formalized procedures and then blast the machine out a little wider for many thousands of people to participate via Stanford & Duke Universities.
Among the initial skeptics, you can count the doctors at the Hospital for Sick Kids in Toronto, who have already run a similar-but-simpler project called CALIPER. And though its database is available via an iTMS App, their chief physician remarks that the existing “baseline” that doctors have is quite small, considering even a modest range of factors.
-But if anyone can pull it off, especially for the greater-good and early-detection, maybe it’s Google?
Time will tell. Check out the details over at the Links:
Photo Credits:
“The Venn diagram pie like whoa”, by Tin Can Studio
• Source: WSJ
• via: Engadget
• More Coverage: Canada’s The Globe & Mail | CALIPER Project | CALIPER App
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