It’s probably something similar to the research showing both black and green tea affect enzymes involved in Alzheimer’s,
But Yun Bai and his team at the Third Military Medical University in China have found that the chief polyphenol in Green Tea, called EGCG, helps new brain cells grow in a central region crucial to the brain’s ability to adapt to change.
+And also navigate mazes.
And you know what? I was going to make a few jokes about traditional eastern medicine and their fondness for bear grundle, tiger butts, and deer penis, but then I changed my mind.
Here’s why:
-ANY- FREAKING STUDY that can cite something in the brain called a GOD-DAMNED SONIC HEDGEHOG PATHWAY is 100% OK in my book!!!
More details at the links:
Photo Credits:
“Sonic the Balloon”, by Victoria Clare,, of the character originally created by Yuji Naka, Naoto Ōshima, Akira Watanabe, and Yuji Uekawa for Sega
• via: EurekAlert-EGCG
• More Coverage: ScienceDaily-EGCG | Google Translate of TMMU Biotech Homepage
• Source Study: MNFR-Green tea epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) promotes neural progenitor cell proliferation and sonic hedgehog pathway activation during adult hippocampal neurogenesis
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