Hey look Junior, it’s the ocean! -Go Swim!
Insomnia! Confusion? Headaches! -Oh My!
2008-India To Join CP Study Mosh Pit; -you know, ’cause all the cool kids are doing it, Mom!
2008-STUK,Finland: May Alter Proteins in Skin
2007-MTHR,UK: Could Be As Dangerous As Cigarettes
2007-UK: Cellphones Iz Killing Teh Bees, Man!
2005-MTHR, UK: Ferrite Beads Stop Radiation
2005-UK: Possible Danger After a Decade, But No Acoustic Neuroma
2004-EU-Reflex: Damage DNA, But No Risk
2002-STUK, Finland: Damages Cells but Inconclusive Overall Risk
2000-FDA: No Clear Connection or Ionizing Radiation
Crazy People at Wacky Marketing-Type-“No wait, there’s MORE!”-site, Danger911
Confused Yet? -Good.
Here’s a fact: Some people who are exposed to asbestos don’t get sick. Some get sick with very little exposure. It comes down to their susceptibility and their genetics.
Question: Do you really want to Roll the Dice on possible cancers in your head, just so you can flash teh iPwnz to teh sexxee laydeez?
–I’d rather throw odds on what my genetic susceptibility is for being able to Turn Right or Left, like Derek Zoolander; -NOT wacky odd forms of cranio-centric cancer. Hell, when I’m feeling REALLY adventurous, I’ll even bet a Starbucks employee on whether my drink is Decaf or not!!!
The smartest thing seems to be as prudent as possible short of tinfoil helmets, because it could take an Awful long time for data -That May Not Even Apply To You- (remember: it’s all Stats, Averages & Confidence Intervals) to eventually roll in.
And on that important note, CNN has a really good piece with Dr. Ronald Herberman of the U. Pitt Cancer Institute, who is one of the only guys out there promoting some well-thought-out caution.
No conspiracy theories here, but I have routinely noticed the odd, hot-ish feeling and the mild, ultrasonic-like pain, after I’ve used a cellphone up against my head, even for a few minutes. Btw, I normally use a headset and keep the phone away from me.
Photo Credits:
“maze”, by gerard79
“mixed signals”, by Craig Jewell
“a street icon”, by Adam Troudart
“yield”, by Bill Davenport
“beto eyes”, by Sebastian Pothe
• Source: CNN-Herberman
• More Coverage: National Cancer Institute-Cellphones | CNET-SAR Chart (because it’s there)
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