[NSFW, for language & some subject-matter]
We’ve all heard the crazy claims.
-Don’t do anything involving Hard Work, Research, Discipline, or Nutrition;
-Just Pop a Pill! And Let Chemistry Do The Work For You!!!
Oliver doesn’t stop the funny to explain the ephedra issue very well, and he certainly does tee off on a doc trying to fill his hour of content.
Unfortunately, that content sometimes seems aimed at the people who read the National Enquirer for diet-tips in the checkout aisle.
-And then put it back without paying.
But really; -Let’s face it. This is all really about sour grapes because Oz gets to hang out with Oprah and Oliver doesn’t.
Funny stuff, though. If you’re a health-nut, John’s skit is more than worth the watch.
Photo Video Credits:
Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
• Source: YouTube-Last Week Tonight
• via: Mashable
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