Military Intelligence, Airline Food, Friendly Fire, French Army, British Car Reliability, etc.
So there are calories in Alcohol, right?
Wine is about 25 cal/oz. Many Beers, like Guinness Stout are close to ~1/2 that.
+And even still: There is a theory floating out there that Significant “Calorie Wastage” occurs during & after alcohol consumption. ~It doesn’t all ‘stick’.
Now throw this monkey wrench into the mix. Up to a certain point, it also matters HOW you drink.
In a research survey covering 37,000 people, it turns out that people who had 1 drink per day from 1/2 a week, to all 7 days had the lowest BMI out of all those studied.
NOW, more interesting. Flip that ratio on its head!
The people who drank infrequently, but had A LOT (4+) when they did drink, turned out to be the Heaviest.
No idea how this could be. -Especially given the “Calorie Wasting” hypothesis of alcohol consumption.
Perhaps it just comes down to a Correlation with General Behavior and Self-Control.
There are MANY, many, many studies out there on alcohol consumption, and this won’t be the last time you find them reflected here,
but it’s nice to know there’s something about restrained consumption that turns out not so bad for you after all.
*Also Note: For some reason, Women seem to exhibit the better of the BMI declines in these results. -Maybe they’re better at calorie-swapping?
Photo Credits: “night out”, by Caro Spark
• via: Cracked-The 6 Most Surprising Ways Alcohol Is Actually Good for You
• More Coverage: SUNY Potsdam-Professor David J. Hudson
• Source Study: AJE-Drinking Patterns and Body Mass Index in Never Smokers
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