And Now For Something Completely Different, A Bodybuilding Fail…
-Whatever this guy did to, -probably everything, not just his arms…
Don’t do it!
(unretouched photo)
[Update!] Thanks to Commenter, Bodybuilder, we know that the bodybuilding fail in question is Gregg Valentino!
Article on him & his Synthol bodybuilding fail by T-Nation down at the Links Below:
luke says
Nice (what the f***)
what a whopper 28 inch arms
Bodybuilder says
lol yea greg valentino used massive amount of steriods and i hear he used sythol (yes the car oil) to pump his muscles up its could be a myth tho
Will says
Yup, that’s what I heard too, Bodybuilder.
Just bonkers crazy when you think his cheat wouldn’t be a secret for long. -‘Roids are bad enough…