Absolutely Terrifying, but so far 2 people have died from a fresh-water amoeba via Neti-Pot nasal irrigation in Louisiana.
It turns out it’s MUCH easier for bad things to cross into the brain if they get up in the sinus cavity via your nose.
Both victims died of encephalitis.
There is no way to know if the microbe, or something similar, is in your own water or not without specific testing.
Usually most people don’t read the manual, and The Himalayan Institute clearly directs people to use Sterilized Water, such as Distilled or even Boiled for the irrigation (pdf link below).
-It’s just a Really sad and scary instance of RTFM. :(
(and not to absolve Louisiana from doing a better job of cleaning its water either, because not everybody can afford a $300 filter for their home)
+Also, Just a Thought: people in Naegleria Fowleri-affected areas should probably consider exercising some very serious hightened safety & handling measures if they wish to continue use of Neti-Pots.
-For example, you can VERY EASILY foul an entire 5 gallon batch of homebrew beer if every single surface of every single thing you use and touch isn’t scrupulously clean, sterile and dry.
Photo Credits: “Instruction Manual Pages”, by Tom Davies
• Source: NPR-2nd Neti Pot Death
• via: Gizmodo
• More Coverage: Himalayan Institute | HI-Neti-Pot Safety Guide-PDF Link | Wikipedia-Naegleria Fowleri
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