Get Your Fix Of Go-Go Juice While You’re On The Go:
We’ve all been there once or twice. No time for anything; even the AM-Jumpstart.
The morning coffee is a ritual, a checkin with yourself, and also the crucial happenings down at the passive-aggressively-staffed local café.
But sometimes you either had a night out, a night in, Jason-Bourne-grade post-drunk-amnesia, or you’re just running terribly late.
Well Nootrobox is about to solve all only one or two of those problems with their magical new Brain-Dyn-O-Mite: Go Cubes!…
It All Started With Nootropic Brain Boosters:
The guys who brought you the brain boosters, “Rise” and “Sprint” and the sleep-booster “Yawn” have aimed their sights on the morning cuppa.
And along the way, they’re bringing some of their experience with the nootropic (or brain-boosting) stacks from their previous work.
While “Rise” has Bacopa, Rhodiola, and a-GPC and “Sprint” has Methyl-B12, B6, Theanine, Glucuronolactone, Inositol and Caffeine, GoCubes do borrow a few ingredients from their siblings.
A GoCube Is A Bit Like a “Sprint”:
Each single cube has: 50mg of Caffeine, 100mg L-Theanine, 125mg Glucuronolactone, 125mg Inositol, 10mg B6, 60mcg Methyl-B12, and of-course 6g of Sugar!.
-So in a way, a GoCube is like a Gummy-Bear, a Barista, and a Sprint all hanging out in the same gelatinous coffee house.
They come in 3 cold-brewed flavors: “Mocha”, “Latte”, and “Pure Drip”.
Supplements A Little Similar To A Red Bull:
Supplement companies have been strongly-discouraged by the FDA from making any claims approaching drug-like efficacy.
But barring that inconvenience:
B-vitamins should generally give you an energy boost,
Inositol would be similar and is included in many B-complex preparations,
Glucuronolactone increases physical endurance especially when combined with Caffeine (just like a Red Bull),
and Methyl-B12 is better-absorbed than just regular B-12.
So in some ways, it’s a bit similar to that Red Bull. Just without the Taurine, Niacin, B-5 & with less sugar.
Stack Your Way To Brain Synergies, & Quantify Your I/O:
All of these extra ingredients are likely not just a way to sell remaindered-inventory of “Sprint”.
According to Nootrobox, they’ve all been selected to improve-on plain-old Caffeine the same way “stacking” complimentary supplements may result in an improved overall effect for any pursuit.
The other benefit you get, is a little bit of The Quantified Self.
Because, as any Starbucks customer can attest, never pretend you’re certain about the amount of caffeine in a cup of coffee; even one that says it’s Decaf.
Well with GoCubes, the numbers are more-or-less Exact. 50mg of Caffeine per-square; it does what it says on the tin.
This way, you can check-in with your numbers and Optimize exactly what you’re taking in for the desired change in Output or state.
Yes, I do realize No-Doz & Caffeine pills have been around forever, but this particular way is both quantifiable and tasty as well.
Convenient & Popular, But Cold-Brewed, So Probably Only For Real Coffeeheads:
-Which, according to the reviews, really appeals a bit more to people who would venture taking their coffee black.
So, either it may take some getting used-to, or perhaps the “Latte” and “Mocha” formulas will get massaged a little with time.
This probably has something to do with the fact their coffee is cold-brewed, which usually makes it MUCH stronger.
If an oversubscribed Indiegogo campaign that results in an actual, purchasable, finished product is any indicator, these guys might actually be around for awhile.
A Little Up-Front Sticker-Shock, But Fair Viz. The Alternatives:
Last year GoCubes did over 3x their campaign goal, and the cubes can now be purchased at about $60 for 80 cubes; or in coffee-cup terms: about $0.75 per “cup” of their brain-energy-boosting jellied cold-brew.
Certainly a little up-front sticker-shock. But they also have 24 cubes for $23, which is just under $1. Not bad for a lower-risk. And Nootrobox gets to make 25% more margins.
But Get Up From Your Desk And Move Around Anyway:
So while the cubes might not replace the social function of getting up out of your work-foxhole and laptopping it down to brood wistfully out the rainy glass while your favorite yoga queen glows chirpily at your best Soho-Heathcliff from down the row,
At least you can power-up with precision inside your own human-sized cube should you require.
-But seriously, haul it down to the café once in awhile. Yoga-chick is dying to witness your magnificence.
Check out the details at the Links:
PS: Is it just me, or does Michael Brandt look disturbingly like a recoiffed Howard Wolowitz?
Photo/Video Credits:
GoCubes main page product Photo and Indiegogo Video, both by GoCubes & Nootrobox
• Source: GoCubes
• via: Entrepreneur
• More Coverage: ProductHunt | Indiegogo-GoCubes | Fusion-Kevin Roose Tries Nootrobox’s “Rise” | Reddit-Nootropics | Wired-What’s In a Red Bull?
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