Dr. Stephanie Studenski and her research associates at the University of Pittsburgh MC have just done us all a huge favor;
-No wait; -whatever the opposite of “favor” is.
-If you set that concept on fire,
And then shoot it in the completely opposite direction at a speed of Mach 48.
You see, Stephanie and her team used some fiendishly-clever chessmaster/cryptonomicon insight and discovered what they believe for the time being is a helpful COMPLETELY UNHELPFUL shortcut in longevity determination.
-Which none of us are going to like.
Here it is: Stephanie and the team at UPMC have found an indicator, …
-which you can find down there at the links.
And what makes it even worse, is that her metric,
proved in what is essentially a meta-study,
across about, oh, … ~34,500 people,
and followed up between 6,
and TWENTY-ONE years,
and I quote:
“was as accurate as predicted based on age, sex, use of mobility aids, and self-reported function or as age, sex, chronic conditions, smoking history, blood pressure, body mass index, and hospitalization.”
++Oh, and you can’t really change it or do anything about it. It’s something you do naturally.
Let’s hope she’s at least partially wrong, and, like everything else posted on this blog,
there is something you can actually DO about it; Links below–
Photo Credits: “the chase”, by Yarik Mishin
• via: MSNBC
• More Coverage: ScientificAmerican
• Source Study: JAMA-Gait Speed and Survival in Older Adults
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