Rejoice, Antsy, Driven, City-Slickers!
There’s someone in worse health than you!!
-I know. Hard to believe, right? But apparently so.
(btw, hipsters don’t count)
For the longest time, the most At-Risk personality type for health concerns, specifically Cardiovascular; myocardial infarctions, stroke, etc. was thought to be the Type A. Ie: The “Coffee Achievers”.
But LO! Johan Denollet and colleagues hath delved into the land of milk and honey, and on the seventh day, published “A General Propensity to Psychological Distress Affects Cardiovascular Outcomes: Evidence From Research on the Type D (Distressed
) Personality Profile” in the journal of Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes. a new study in a cardio journal. -One which is a meta-analysis of previous work, it seems.
And it turns out that Type D, the “Grouch”-type (Anxious/Depressed/PTSD/Irritable/Pessimistic) has a risk Several Times Higher for cardio events than the previously-maligned Type A.
So Rejoice Type As, Rejoice!
And even if you’re not a Type A; -REJOICE!
(apparently, it’s good for you)
((that, and LOLcats))
Photo Credits:“Dick Cheney” “The Emperor”, Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, Lucasfilm, Ltd.
Source: CircOutcomes-A General Propensity to Psychological Distress Affects Cardiovascular Outcomes: Evidence From Research on the Type D Personality Profile
Via: InventorSpot
More Coverage: MSNBC
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