I forget which yoga pose this cat is hitting.
It’s probably either:
A: Front-Side-Busy-Ignoring-You-Human.
Or B: Food?-Food?-Do-You-Know-Where-I-Can-Get-Some-Food?
• via: ICanHasCheezburger-Yoga Cat
Health & Wellness Research Weblog | HealthTrekker
Health & Wellness Weblog With Tips And Hacks
Filed Under: Exercise, Mind/Brain, Noise, Other
I forget which yoga pose this cat is hitting.
It’s probably either:
A: Front-Side-Busy-Ignoring-You-Human.
Or B: Food?-Food?-Do-You-Know-Where-I-Can-Get-Some-Food?
• via: ICanHasCheezburger-Yoga Cat
what a good way to express the emotion of the yoga exercise and what a post is it.
Keep it up !!!!!!!!