For a long long time, scientists have known what Aging is, as expressed only in terms of what it is to look like Mr. Bigglesworth.
-In a set of interesting experiments that take a new approach, MIT biologists studied the only thing simpler than Courtney Stodden.
-No, not amoebas; -close. Yeast.
And they found something interesting. Again, similar to the NMJ post, part of the Yeast cell near the nucleus that makes proteins just “looked old”.
And by some crazy science mojo-sniffing, they found a gene called, erm… -something I don’t remember-, But for now we will use the working title: [“Biblical Knowledge of Adriana Lima“].
For some reason, just like my pants around said supermodel, it became Activated, some time around the end of cell-division; where somehow Jesus flies in and hits a tiny arcade-style Reset Button inside the cell.
It then clears out that specific area where all the old stuff was, making it all new again.
-Just the way human reproductive cells also reset, and guys like Larry King can father children who don’t come out of the womb being 76-years-old. They have similar lifespan to children fathered by a 20-year-old.
-The exact phenomenon that’s gotten researchers looking for this aging-application in the first place.
What the researchers did Next, was to turn on [“Bi -Okay, it’s called NDT80 in other cells that were old, but not yet in the process of dividing.
BOOM! -Those cells lived 2x as long!
=>SO Then: The theory is, can our intrepid researchers delve deeply into Adriana Lima’s pants the list of Human genes & proteins, find an analogue for when our own cells divide,
and add a little more NDT80,
-> thus clearing out the old gunk,
*from where they now think the center of all aging happens: the cell’s Nucleolus*,
rejuvenating our bodies, cell-by-cell,
and Doubling our Lifespans. …?
I mean, if given enough time: Chimpanzees+Typewriters==Shakespeare, right?
=> then similarly: Smarty-Pants-Researchers+Funyons+Mountain-Dew+Experiments==Double-Lifespan For All.
Check out the rest of the details over at the Links:
-seriously Adri, my contact info is in a link on this site.
Call me.
Photo Credits:
“Untitled”, by Bruno Furnari
Adriana Lima in Dali Wings, 2007 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show,
• via: Geekosystem
• More Coverage: MITNews | PhysOrg | Wikipedia-Nucleolus | VS Fashion Show 2007, Part 1 of 5
• Source Study: Science-Gametogenesis Eliminates Age-Induced Cellular Damage and Resets Life Span in Yeast
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