Wrinkles Could Be Removed With Accidental New Discovery:
So one of the problems people have as they get older, is that as much and as many ways they try to improve themselves,
Sometimes, their outside appearance doesn’t catch-up with how they feel inside.
Even though for many self-improvers and age-defiers the idea that “Age Is Just A Number” absolutely-applies.
Well, some researchers at UCSD have found the next step in the journey to making your outside look as good as your inside…
Note Please: The proposed-fix does not involve installing babies on your face.
Next Steps To The Fountain Of Youth:
Beauty companies have been trying to sell all kinds of mineral-creams and face-transformers to women for centuries,
And few things really seem to work.
Many people even give-up and say Screw it, I’ll just look the way I do even though I eat right, exercise, and do everything else,
Even though your face has been shown to be an indicator of health.
But in-spite of the complications, the short answer is: Researchers have found the mechanism that makes skin wrinkle with age, and it’s only a matter-of-time until they can reverse it.
If You’re Only As Old As You Feel, What About Your Looks?:
The next step after this discovery is the mythical “New Face In A Jar” that cosmetics companies have been promising forever.
As an opposite to that, I think we can agree babies all look magnificent.
And so do many people who have some roundness in their face.
Which is not many film-actresses as they all seem to be on starvation diets these days that make them look prematurely-old.
As you might guess, the secret is getting off the crazy diets and having a certain amount of fat under your skin, because they look like they’ve lost it.
Aging Steals The Ability To Reverse Wrinkles For Some Reason:
What scientists have discovered is that the body just slows down its production of those fats as people age.
These prop-up your features and make you look a little bit round & chubby like a baby, or a healthy actress from the 60s.
There are many other factors like Collagen but as far as skin goes,
These cells called Dermal Fibroblasts, have been found to be some of the major contributors to skin’s apparent-smoothness and absence of wrinkles.
And it was an Accidental-Discovery on the way to fighting infections that lead UCSD’s researchers to this fountain of youth.
Accidental Discovery While Curing Infections:
The doctors were originally looking for anything they could find to help them fight 2 big problems:
1) Eczema
Certainly not fun for any of their victims, who had much bigger concerns than just wrinkles.
But the doctors did find something very ~funny in their quest.
Babies turn out to be just fantastic at fighting-off skin-infections.
And guess what types of cells they have tons of in their skin?
Dermal Fibroblasts!
Two Features In One, Plus The Surprise!:
So for some reason they’re found in the highest-quantites in everyone’s favorite tiny humans,
But those cells also have an amazing party-trick.
They can convert from one type of cell into something completely-different,
-The type of fat-cell that sits under your skin and makes it look full, healthy, and unwrinkled, just like a baby’s.
As scientists looked into this further, things got even more interesting.
They found a Switch!
Flip The Switch To Smooth Wrinkles Like Magic:
Even better? -They found that switch is On in people above a certain age!
So what do you do when a switch is in the wrong position? -You flip it!
And that’s just what the team did.
Through both Chemical and Gene-therapy means, they turned this conversion-switch, called TGF-B, Off,
And Voila!
Fibroblasts in older-people could then do their baby-magic again, turn into fat cells, and wrinkles were gone!
Next Steps:
So in an odd two-for-one, researchers may become much more able to cure serious skin-infections for people of all ages going forward,
Especially those older than babies who have a hard time of it due to differing immune-systems,
But most-hopefully, for people who want to look the way they feel at all stages of life,
There might actually be a pill you can take, or something you can put on your skin that doesn’t just make it look better temporarily by smoothing the wrinkles,
It actually does Make It better.
So What Do We Do Until Then?:
Well, if you don’t have the superhuman anti-wrinkle genes of Yazemeenah Rossi,
Or you can’t afford $8,000 to swap-out some of your blood in the modern-day vampirism of companies like Ambrosia,
And the cell-cleaning-drug is also too far away from production,
The best things we’ve found so far are:
1) Intermittent-Fasting and its likely-removal of zombie-cells from your body.
2) (Don’t Laugh) Face Yoga
2a) Yes, Apparently, Crazy Carole Maggio was right.
3) Just like Yazemeenah, try to get the healthiest nutrition and calorie-amount you possibly-can
4) Maybe even go Full-Organic in your diet to reduce the load of certain pesticides.
5) Listen to The Queen of Sleep and get plenty of Naps
Until then, these are exciting times to live-in for people of all ages, especially those who might want to smooth-out and remove a few skin wrinkles, so they can look a little bit closer to how they feel…
Photo Credits: “window models”, by :-)
• Source: UCSD
• Source Study: Cell,Immunity – Age-Related Loss of Innate Immune Antimicrobial Function of Dermal Fat Is Mediated by Transforming Growth Factor Beta
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