John: […]Or that the earth goes around the sun.
Sherlock: Oh God, that again! It’s not important!
John: Not important? It’s primary school stuff! How can you not know that?
Sherlock: Well, if I ever did, I’ve deleted it.
John: “Deleted it”?
Sherlock: Listen. This is my hard-drive, and it only makes sense to put things in there that are useful. Really useful. Ordinary people fill their heads with all kinds of rubbish, and that makes it hard to get at the stuff that matters! Do you see?
Well it turns out that high-functioning-sociopath Sherlock! & your brain have something in-common.
For the first-time, researchers have discovered that it has a Protein, named after one of the world’s most awesome swordsmen –or cats as the case may be,
That purposely-destabilizes synapses between some neurons in your brain,
-Actively making you more-likely to Forget…
When they tested worms bred to not have it, they became Memory-Monsters.
And also in the process, the researchers also discovered the counter-protein to Musashi, despairingly-named Adducin instead of Maru or Watson, which does the opposite & Aids in synapse and memory-formation.
What good, or evil these new findings will be put-to, one can only keep fingers-crossed.
Hopefully, these two proteins will help scientists fight things like Alzheimer’s and Dementia, instead of doing things that George Lucas would; like destroying your childhood.
Check out the details at the Links:
JUMP BONUS!: A short video-collage on Sherlock!’s brain:
Photo/Video Credits:
Scumbag Brain Meme, by KnowYourMeme.com
Sherlock! “Hard Drive and Heart” Video-Collage, by YouTube user LadySteena
• Source: U-Basel
• via: Gizmodo
• Source Study: Cell-Forgetting Is Regulated via Musashi-Mediated Translational Control of the Arp2/3 Complex
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