How Soon Is Now?:
So we recently learned that the modern western diet undernourishes our insides & probably results in health problems that come from probiotic deficiencies.
But they’re not just your health problems for now.
Because Justin & Erica Sonnenburg found out something else about your body’s helpful microbes; and the news only gets worse.
They discovered that once a creature loses these microbes by having them starved out of existence, it is very difficult,
-well, ok; pretty-much Impossible to get them back;
You Can’t Feed What Isn’t There:
-EVEN when you re-introduce the microbes’ favorite food in the form of more fruit & veg fiber.
So if you’re one of the people who’s been chronically low on healthy produce, you and your immune-system, and defense against inflammation-based-disease are probably in some trouble.
I’m sorry, wait. It gets even worser than that worse… It’s More Worser; –well whatever, you know what I mean.
So the docs also found out, through several generations, that the loss of these microbes is so bad,
Your Children Suffer The Same Fate As You:
Parents Also Pass On These Deficiencies To Their Children!
And it may even be hard to get them back through probiotics!
Because all of this Human Microbe-Ecosystem-Community science is still really in its infancy, science has BARELY any full list at-all of the different beneficial buggies that could live inside a person.
-So they don’t ~really know which ones to replace!
Probiotic Science Is Still In Its Infancy:
Even the most ambitious of probiotics I’ve seen only has 13 different strains.
Don’t you think that over the entire course of Earth’s history, Mother Nature would have come up with more than 13 great ideas? -I do.
So now the bad news is out of the way & I’ve told you you’re basically screwed, what now?
So What Can You Do?:
1) Get back BOTH a Wide Variety of fruits & vegetables into your diet and away from the typical western sins of today. -If you Do still have any good fiber-eating bugs in you, you might still be able to save them.
1b) -Especially since different bugs like different fibers, the greater the variety, the better chance you might be giving them something they like. Ex: If one type only likes peach-skin fiber and not broccoli-stem fiber, etc.
2) Eat organic as much as you can.
3) Eat As Seasonally & As Fresh as you can. You may rinse your fruit & veg off, BUT there may still be a tiny bit more of potentially-healthy microbes on the freshest produce (similar to the way they call natural grape-yeast, “noble rot”).
3b) These microbes will also be different than ones on produce from other times of year, so you’ll increase your coverage the more seasonally you eat.
4) Eat Raw (but still rinsed) fruit & veg as much as possible.
(without giving yourself a terrible case of E. Coli by going for the green onions or cantaloupe) There is still probably some produce where you might get even more beneficial microbes from the raw state.
4b) This may be safer with things that grow on trees than on the ground (which can encounter these animal-borne pathogens), especially if those things on the ground have open parts to their structure like a green onion, or are frequently nicked by harvesting-knives like cantaloupe.
5) Wash the dishes by hand, not in the machine. Studies have shown people who use this method have more & healthier microbes and fewer allergies.
6) Don’t use any antimicrobial soaps or antibiotics if you can absolutely help it.
7) Women should definitely try to breast-feed their babies & avoid C-Sections, because they deprive the newborn of all kinds of beneficial microbes.
8) Consider getting a pet.
Though there are some microbes that can be passed by both dogs & cats that are harmful, there might also be a few science does not yet know-about that are helpful.
-And most evidence points to pet owners living longer and having less Asthma almost across the board.
Perhaps there is a microbial basis for this, instead of just raising your happy-hormones because Captain Fluffypants is hilariously uncoordinated in his ongoing quest for domestic safari.
Check out the rest of the details at the Links:
Photo Credits: “Knightia”, by Aldo Cavini Benedetti
• Source(s): LATimes
• More Coverage: Practical Recommendations To Increase Gut Microbial Diversity | Justin and Erica Sonnenburg, PhD- Top Foods to Fuel Healthy Gut Bacteria | Stanford-Sonnenburg Lab
• Source Study: Diet-Induced Extinctions In The Gut Microbiota Compound Over Generations
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