PLEASE! -LADIES!!! If Not For Me, For The Sake Of Shocked-Face E*Trade Baby, –Eat Live Organic During Pregnancy!

Three studies on pre-natal exposure to chemicals were published at the same time by Researchers at UC Berkeley, Mt. Sinai and Columbia in the Journal, “Environmental Health Perspectives”.
They concerned both City-dweller and Country-dweller subjects.
And it looks bad for babies.
It turns out if a pregnant mother is exposed to Organo-Phosphate pesticides; -at-all, either through Environmental exposure, OR through Diet, it affects the developing fetus.
This impact took a toll of up to…
Read More >Water-Filtration Scientists In Brazil Find Banana Peels Rock At Heavy Metal Removal

Watch out Dean Kamen & Stephen Colbert!
Another awesome step into cleaning up water around the world, and probably much more cost-effective!
Ground & toasted banana peels may just be in your next kicka** water filter. Further deets at the links.
Go Brazil!!…
Read More >Korean Convenience Store Buffet ACHTUNG!!! -US Food-borne Illnesses Cost $152B!

So; hrm, next time you’re deciding whether or not to microwave that affordable steam-tray roadkill before you eat it…
Shoddy restaurants and produce growers are currently costing the US economy $152B.
More numbers? These illnesses, involving Salmonella, E. Coli, Campylobacter, Listeria and a few others involve more than 76 Million people, out of which 5,000 die.
Some of these have MUCH higher total & individual costs, some shockingly so…
Read More >Weekly News Roundup, 12 Stories On: Tylenol, Brain Injury, Mad Cow, Ken Lay’s Health,…

Tylenol / Acetaminophen OD-ing Causes Liver Damage Study Abstract
Human Variant Mad Cow Blood Test Nears Readiness
-The test results you never want to get.
Acetaminophen May Reduce Incidence of Ovarian Cancer
– What’s a Girl To Do?, And 9 More Links…