La France, vous êtes tous dans nos pensées et nos prières.
-Vos amis Américains.
#JeSuisParis #JesuisunParisien
Health & Wellness Research Weblog | HealthTrekker
Health & Wellness Weblog With Tips And Hacks
Filed Under: Announcements, Other
La France, vous êtes tous dans nos pensées et nos prières.
-Vos amis Américains.
#JeSuisParis #JesuisunParisien
Filed Under: Family, Sex, Meds, Rock n Roll, Stupid Health Tricks
Thus far in human history, wearing a man-skirt seemed only good for making a guy look like a trainspotting soccer hooligan to be avoided at all costs.
Well now SCIENCE! has come to the rescue and theorized an actual benefit to the traditional garb, besides winning your FREEEDOM! from the English.
The Kilt-loving Dr. Erwin Kompanje from Erasmus Medical Centre in the Netherlands has done a meta-analysis of the sparsely-available literature.
And his conclusions are that regimental-style kilt-wearing provides perhaps the perfect environment to boost male fertility…
Filed Under: Announcements, Other
For everyone who’s said or written anything honest, cracked a joke, or offended the easily-offended: #JeSuisCharlie.
Filed Under: Calculators, Exercise, Featured, Noise, Nutrition, Other, Weight Loss / Fat Loss
Yeah, yeah, yeah; BMI is not the end-all be-all indicator for 100% of the population and you know some power-lifter who has a BMI of 80 but 4% bodyfat.
BUT CHECK IT OUT ANYWAY! -It’s fun. Compare your score to the averages of people from around the world and report back.
And Yes, the ‘Murica-Hating Brits made the one super-fattie included on their page, Michelle, an American. -Thanks ‘Beeb, thanks alot!…
Read More >A few adults in Scotland are lacking in the awesomeness department.
-As put on display by their reaction to school-lunch nutrition blogger and awesomeness expert, Martha Payne.
Not only couldn’t they handle the public discussion heat brought on by Martha’s photo-reviews,
The local council tried to silence her with some ne-plus-ultra-idioticratic bullying…
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