Are your cheeks & jowls starting to sag? Smile lines starting to show?
Well look no further for your solution!
Because in an awesome throwback from at least the 80’s, we learn at some near Kristen-Wiig-ian-scale silliness…
Read More >Health & Wellness Research Weblog | HealthTrekker
Health & Wellness Weblog With Tips And Hacks
Filed Under: Aging, Exercise, Stupid Health Tricks, Video
Are your cheeks & jowls starting to sag? Smile lines starting to show?
Well look no further for your solution!
Because in an awesome throwback from at least the 80’s, we learn at some near Kristen-Wiig-ian-scale silliness…
Read More >Filed Under: Aging, Better Living Through Chemistry, Bio-Tech
Though this discovery was originally aimed at the developing world, it might just turn around & George Jetson the hell out of a tricky surgical procedure.
What happens with a cataract is that some of the proteins in the lens go a bit wacky over time.
And these changes make them stop working the way they’re supposed to.
Since the standard fix is a bit iffy to have done in low-tech facilities, the researchers thought, “What if we could take that operation and put it in a bottle?”…