A little more than a month ago, Kathy Sierra gave us a nice link on the main page of Creating Passionate Users, sending a little traffic this way.
Although I sent an email at the time, it seemed important to make a point of saying thanks here.
For any of you who’ve been to this site but not visited hers, you Really should stop by. -Not that she needs more traffic; you’d just be remiss in your education if you didn’t read the whole damn thing.
If you are involved with or interested in products, services, users, features, high-level thinking, or anything brainy whatsoever, you have Got to stop by CPU.
Kathy has quite a few credits in different areas and is a fair bit like a female Malcolm Gladwell.
If she writes it, you should read it.
Thanks again, KS and CPU!
Thank you!
Wow – I really appreciate your comments about the blog.
But you know, the feeling is a mutual… I LOVE what you’re doing over here, and I’ve made some changes for the better based on some of your great info here.
Cheers : )
You’re welcome. U rock!