-Because using supercomputer-reverse-engineering, what they found out about how our the neurons in our brains connect was by far, the simplest and Goddammit, the most cat-like way possible…
Or: Why does that adorable little walking demilitarized-zone suddenly decide he has to be on the COMPLETE OTHER SIDE OF THE HOUSE??,
Answer: It’s Random!
(-Which, by the way, is also the answer you get when you ask the question: “If you give a Swiss person a supercomputer, what does he find out? -Besides ‘Chocolate is Delicious’?”)
Dr. Henry Markram Explains:
Photo Credits:
“The Home of the Blue Brain Project”, by EPFL
• Source:
YT[Video]-BlueBrainProject, How do Neurons Connect?
• via: Medicalexpress
• More Coverage:
The Blue Brain Project at EPFL, Switzerland
Blue Brain Project Blog
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