James H O’Keefe and Carl Lavie of Saint Luke’s Mid America Heart Institute and the U. Mo. -Kansas City MedSchool have just pronounced the words every poor suffering bastard running his Nikes to the midsole has been waiting to hear since the 70’s taught them Afros on white men were awesome:
-This includes Running.
What counts as excessive?
-More than 45 Minutes of Running per day.
According to an earlier study, cited by the NYT, almost all of the marathoner fatalities were men, average-aged 42, suffering cardiac issues, and right near the finish-lines. -So does this mean that The Marathon is a race designed to kill people; -or at least, middle-aged dudes?
-Or does the entire concept of a Finish-Line kill people? Paging Mr. Nietzsche…
Should they instead just release a few packs of Lions, Hyenas and Wolves 8 miles out from the finish, and let people just continue as far as they can, for fear of carnivore-nommage?
-Just trying to solve problems here…
Photo Credits:
“Lion”, by Iva Villi
• Source Study: BMJ,Heart-Run for your life … at a comfortable speed and not too far
• via: OutsideMag
• More Coverage: NYTPhysEd-Is Marathon Running Bad for the Heart?(abit contradictory to the above, btw)
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