In an interesting interspecies twist,
that is mercifully not NSFW,
Dr. Michael Zasloff shares his observations about our funny, wake-surfing friends in a letter to the JID, hoping that some day maybe we can gain abilities similar to them.
Nope; their miraculous ability to Heal.
-Wake-surfing we already do pretty well, thankyouverymuch.
So: Just like the town hottie before she smartens up, it turns out dolphins get injured by sharks pretty regularly. The average they suffer are bite wounds about 30cm long, and 3cm deep. The town hottie? -Shotgun wedding; subsequent divorce; different story; moving on…
These bites, unless staunched immediately, would most likely be fatal in humans.
But in Dolphins,… meh, no big deal.
-They don’t even really bleed that much.
Not only that, dolphins don’t really seem that bothered by the Pain; and by that, I mean, they’re completely indifferent. They’re like Clint Eastwood, shrugging-off the attack in a gruff baritone,
“Is that all ya got, -punk?! Well; -is it!?!!”
And with all the little buggies and microbes and things floating around in the sea, it’s more amazing still that they don’t even get Infections (don’t remind me about sea lice; YEESH! -NIGHTMARE!). -It’s like the very tissues of their entire body are anti-microbial in nature!
Dr. Mike then goes to 1/2 observe, 1/2 speculate, on the different parts of the healing process.
-That basically result in what starts out looking like a wound from The Civil War,
that not only knits back together from the bottom-up,
not only heals,
but does it so effectively, that the entire Volume of the incursion is completely filled back in and smooth with the surrounding areas,
and with not even that much of a blemish.
The analogous-case in humans would be like getting hit with a Tomahawk and never even getting so much as a scar from it.
-Basically, You are Wolverine at that point.
->So: both he and I think: “Short of loading up on fish and blubber, maybe some day, with the help of science, humans could heal their wounds and scars just as well?”
More details at the Links:
JUMP BONUS! Dolphins Surfing In Classy San Diego!:
Photo/Video Credits:
“Wolverine Figure Closeup”, by Spiritquest,
“Dolphins Surfing San Diego”, by Tom Lynch
• Source: JID-Observations on the Remarkable (and Mysterious) Wound-Healing Process of the Bottlenose Dolphin
• More Coverage: EurekAlert | JID-Epidermal Growth in the Bottlenose Dolphin, Tursiops truncatus
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