It IS A New Thing Every Year, Isn’t It?:
As we’ve already seen from our friend/arch-enemy/frenemy, Jim Gaffigan, some people just can’t get on the Kale bandwagon.
On the other hand, many people seem to run their health-programs based only on what’s new for the year.
-As Übertool describes here…
What Mysterious Conspiracy Decides The New Health Fads?:
So who gets to decide what that new, mysterious fad will be based-on?
-The Wise Old [food] Man Of The Mountain, of course!
And as you might imagine, the immediate celebration of product-saturation for the new one,
& backlash against last year’s fad also begins below.
Well, out with the old, in with the new.
I feel like there’s a TED talk somewhere in this too…

Jim would be proud.
JUMP BONUS!: Jim expresses his distaste for Kale & health-fads below.
(if teamcoco’s video-playback has been fixed yet…)
Photo/Video Credits:
“This Year’s Random Thing To Eat To Be Healthy”, by Übertool
Jim Gaffigan Hates Kale & Health Fads, by Team Coco
• Source: Übertool-This Year’s Random Thing To Eat
• via: Geeks Are Sexy
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