Contrary To Some Experts USDGAC Drops Bombshell:
-That’s right, I said it.
Surprisingly-enough, for the first time in decades, the US Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee has opined about coffee-consumption. -And it’s Good News for caffeine-heads.
In spite of what “The Ultramind Solution”‘s Dr. Mark Hyman would tell you, the USDGAC says it’s safe to drink caffeinated-coffee.
-Up to 40 oz. of it a day, or getting up to 400mg of Caffeine, whichever comes first, your mileage may vary.
Not Just Safe, But May Protect Against Some Disease!:
Not only did they say it was safe, they also hinted at an association with reduced risk of some Disease.
-Like Type 2 Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease & mild-protection against Parkinson’s.
And those health-benefits kick in when you’re drinking more than 3 cups a day.
-Which you aren’t, because the stats say Americans get, on-average, 1 cup of coffee a day.
But You Have To Drink Enough To Get The Protection:
Not even our hard-drinking friends in the Netherlands or Scandinavia get much over 2 cups on average.
(I was shocked to read this, because Sweden always seemed like they’re heavy coffee-drinkers. -Or at least the Swedes in Stieg Larsson novels,…)
So, if you were looking for an excuse for anything short of a Monster Energy bomb or a Four-Loko, consider yourself rubber-stamped!
Details at the Links:
Photo Credits:
“Businessman zombie thinks he can grab a snack”, by flickr user Laszy
• Source: WashingtonPost
• More Coverage: TheTakeaway, w/ podcast | Atlantic-Coffee Consumption by Country
• Source Study: |[PDF, line 297]
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