Thank GOD there is at least 1 man out there talking sense.
And that man is Carlos Mencia.
Love him or hate him, he’s right. Vegetarians, especially ones addicted to leafy greens instead of Tofu-snorting, are themselves the planet-destroying enviro-pariahs they love to dehumanize and rag on.
Keep Destroying the Earth’s Photosynthetic and Carbon-Fixation capacity by eating nothing but plants, you dirty post-hippie patchouli-soaked Gastro-snobs!!!
I for one am ASTOUNDED Stephen Colbert didn’t pick up on this one first.
-Though he was right when he said Polar Bears are Bastards! I wholeheartedly agree. But then Carlos has always had way too much sense to agree with Steve very often.
The best thing we can do for the environment right now, besides barbecuing Al Gore, is to move closer to steakhouses so we won’t have to drive as far.
Note, too the Methane argument is SOOooo passé! -The average person farts 14 times per day.
I’m willing to bet Vegetarians fart more often than that; -and in greater volumes of gas.
Word has it from various talk-show dressing rooms that Sting himself could power an entire 3rd World country completely on his own, if he were somehow able to recapture all the gases emanating from his body as a result of his macrobiotic diet.
SO: If cows are going to be Fart-Restricted, then that’s the smallest measure the EPA can take against vegetarians also.
NOTE: This was before the world found out what a hack, joke thief, and generally awful scrote Carlos Mencia is.
South Park “Smug Alert” Clips:
Brokeruniverse FreeRepublic-Livestock Responsible 18% Global Warming
Of Course, It’s Mostly Sting’s Fault:
mahamondo | marlonjames | Sting Sucks | Heavy-Sting Sucks
South Park’s Magnum Opus On Evil Vegetarians:
South Park Studios-“Smug Alert”
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