He Who Controls The Spice, Controls The Universe!:
Attention Sriracha Addicts, Your time has come!
So for at least 6,000 genius years, mankind has been eating peppers of one type or another.
And as any spicy-food addict can tell you, all different kinds can add some zing to just about any food.
Especially Sriracha potato chips!
And it turns out that the spicy, bitey, hot addiction isn’t just a fun little base-jump for your mouth, it could also be Really healthy for you, too…
6,000 Years Of Spicy Health Benefits:
So for years now, science has been studying the spicy fruits.
And among the potential benefits attributed to regular pepper-eating are:
1) Lower rates of Cancer
2) Lower rates of Diabetes
3) Improved Cardiovascular health
4) Improved Bladder health
5) Improved Skin health
6) Improved Gastro-Intestinal health
But Here’s The Recent Kicker:
A new study by the University of Vermont confirms earlier Chinese work from 2015 & finds that people who eat spicy food with all kinds of different pepper products tend to live longer.
Specifically, they have a 13% reduction in total mortality!
And luckily enough, this is a fairly-large & local study, based on 16,000 Americans.
Also, it didn’t last as long as some of the real marathon studies out there, but it did cover a respectable duration of up to 23 years in some cases.
Kicker #2? Here’s Why:
The overwhelming health-issue that the spicy-people were spared?
Heart-disease and stroke.
The strangest part of this study is the following:
People who eat peppers tended to be younger, male, white or mexican-american, married, cigarette smokers, alcohol drinkers, ate more meat & vegetables than averave, had lower HDL cholesterol than average, and also had lower income and less education.
Most of these conditions crop up in other studies as being health contraindications.
So that means either the alcohol is helping too, or the peppers are REALLY working because they’re fighting a lot of bad factors & STILL winning out!
How Does It All Work?:
Well the researchers still aren’t positively-sure, but they speculate that the specific receptors in a person’s biology may result in some healthy overall effects.
Among these possibilities are:
1) Increased Bloodflow, especially throughout the Heart.
2) Increased Metabolism, especially of Fats.
3) The Combination of both being responsible for reduction in both cancers & diabetes.
4) Natural Antimicrobial properties that improve Gut Microbes.
Maybe A Future Part Of The RDA:
And since neither the UVM nor the 2015 study are the only ones finding health benefits in peppers and spicy-foods,
(that usually end-up containing some type of pepper or capsaicin product)
Even the UVM doctors are speculating that some time in the future, the benefits will be so clear and established that just like vitamins, some type of daily-dose of pepper-based spice will be considered a part of a healthy daily-regimen for extending both Lifespan and Healthspan.
Stay spicy my friends! -And check out all the life-affirming details in the Links!:
Photo/Video Credits:
Video by, YT-Seeker
Photos of March 12th & March 15th 2017 Concerts, by Leonardo Zamudi, Syndie Kobza, & The Red Hot Chili Peppers
• Source: UVM
• via: YT-DNews/Seeker
• More Coverage: BigThink
• Source Study: PLosOne-The Association of Hot Red Chili Pepper Consumption and Mortality: A Large Population-Based Cohort Study
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