Why should the Red Bull and Monster guys get to have all the fun and profit?
The now-insolvent 50 Cent helped give you vitamins in your water. Red Bull gives you wings.
…So why not put a little more kick into the drink most Americans use for a boost anyway?
VitaPerk was developed over the course of 4 years, dissolves in hot coffee, and supposedly has no absorption problems caused by the drink itself.
It’s also the first among its competitors to come in a packet so you can add it to any cup of coffee you want, not just a larger packet of more expensive grounds or beans.
Right now, it’s just in the manufacturer + specialty online reseller channels, but they’ve inked a deal with at least one coffee supplier, so the product could soon be coming to a supermarket or café near you.
-And even if the ultimate winner in the space is not VitaPerk, their concept of giving your coffee a little extra 15-vitamins+minerals-energy bump is still a great one, and will probably win-out no matter who eventually gets it in your cup.
Note: Healthtrekker does not receive any compensation whatsoever from Vitaperk, CNBC, or any of their affiliates, etc., just so you know.
Check out the Links for the details:
Photo/Video Credits: Video, by CNBC PowerPitch, and Photo of VitaPerk+Coffee, by VitaPerk
• Source: VitaPerk
• via: CNBC Power Pitch
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