The Best and Quickest Fat Loss Results I’ve Ever had in my experience were with this simple combination.
I have no idea why it worked.
Exercise: 5min. Warmup jog + Lifting. 3 times a week, 6 exercises, 3 sets to failure, each set. 1-1.25hrs per day. Bench, Curls, Squats, Shrugs, Triceps & Crunches.
No exercise in between days.
Was Fast Fat-Loss Caused By Nutrition?:
Nutrition: The only food I had was Chocolate MetRx Shakes, 1 sandwich for Lunch and 1 sandwich for Dinner.
They were ~6oz. Ham or Turkey on Vermont Bread with no cheese or dressing.
In the morning, afternoon and evening, I would drink MetRx shakes as I needed, whenever I was hungry; probably 4-6 per day. Usually at: 8am, 10:30am, 3pm, 9pm and sometimes midnight. I also drank TONS of water, ~1gal/day.
Results: Based on my exeperience using calipers and knowledge of how I look at each level, my Final Bodyfat% was ~10-12%.
Approximate Change: I lost ~4-6% BF in 9-12 weeks. This is the absolute quickest I’ve ever lost fat; it seemed like freakin’ magic at the time. -and with the simplest diet and exercise program.
I have no idea how it worked.
Or Did The Level Of Potassium Help The Fat-Loss?:
-Was it the potassium levels in MetRx that protected my muscle from being used for fuel by my body? Was it the activity level? Was I actually in calorie deficit? Was I in ketosis, a la Atkins? Was it the mix of vitamins in the protein shakes? -No Idea.
Average Daily Totals: 1650 Calories, 208g Protein, 143g Carbs, 20.5g Fat. Average Weight: 165 lbs.
Historically, it seems I only had these results while using the protein shake packets of MetRx from the box and not some other brand.
The only other things like Supplements I took was a multivitamin; that’s it. No Creatine, no HgH, Ephedrine, ECA or drugs. (-Did almost no cardio, either.)
Caveats: There is nothing to say I was at all perfectly healthy then. I may have been vitamin, mineral, nutrient, essential fatty acid, or something else -deficient at the time.
Also, it is potentially unhealthy to take in quite that much Aspartame as would be in 4-6 MetRx shakes/day. So, it’s just an example. But in all my experience, it was far and away the most outstanding, quickest results I’ve ever had. However, it was a bit expensive to buy that much protein by the packet (boxed).
Note: HT is receiving No compensation, by hook or by crook, from MetRx or anyone associated with them whatsoever. -Regardless of how magical we make their products look for the dark art of the fast fat-loss formula.
Photo Credits: “Tachometre”, by Naeem Mayet
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