And while we’re on the subject of Alcohol,
Who Else but The New Yorker could do such a monster article on Drinking and Hangovers? -I have no damn good answer for that.
Ok; besides: “Ernest F****** Hemingway”,…
Nevertheless: Hop on over and be blown away by the entire geopolitical cavalcade that is Joan Acocella’s Magnum Opus,
From feeling like Gregor Samsa when you wake up,
The body releasing chemicals more toxic than the alcohol itself to metabolize it,
Cytokines, Congeners,
Egyptians & Beer,
International idioms, like “Mad Goblins Building Golfist Cabanas In Your Face”,
Alcohol dehydrogenase deficiencies,
Andrew Irving’s “How to Cure a Hangover”,
Nic van Oudtshoorn’s “The Hangover Handbook”,
Folk remedies, Meal Recommendations, Spicy foods, Hypoglycemia-fighters, Fatty-foods,
The Death-Star of American [food] culture
Tea, Coffee, Brines, Soups, Water, RedBull or JagerBombs,
(no mention of FourLoko, Dammit!)
Over-The-Counter formulations like Dr. Seltzer’s,
KGB Inventions that sound more like a different kind of ‘Morning After”,
The Old Standby: Drink More,
Methanol metabolizing into Toxic Acid,
Drugs to avoid, like Tylenol,
Vitamins and Herbals like B, C, and Prickly Pear,
Productivity Losses, Outraged Bosses,
Even Spirituality,
(Saint Vivian is supposed to be their patron-saint.)
((I could have sworn that one was Saint Patrick, but whatever.))
–And if Any of this stuff actually works…
*Maybe someday for an actual scientific-testing approach to Joan’s research:
This could be an Equally-Magnum-Opus-Job for,… Mythbusters!
Perhaps we can convince them to test every morning-after cure in the article.
-Anyway, just don’t go confusing “Prairie” Oyster with “Rocky Mountain”; not good.
Trust me on this.
And don’t let that dang-old Jing Liang anywhere near this party!!
She’ll just ruin all the spicy-grilled-raw-egg-vitamin-c-goat-splosion with something actually effective.
Besides, What the Hell would Ray Milland do with something like that?
-The chase really is much more fun.
JUMP BONUS!: Mythbusters Try A Few Cures
-see which one wins.
Photo Credits:
Mike Tyson’s Tiger publicity photo from the movie, “The Hangover”, by Todd Phillips, Daniel Goldberg, Jon Lucas, Scott Moore, Legendary Pictures, and Warner Bros.
• Source: The New Yorker-Hangovers
• More Coverage: Wikipedia-Saint Vivian | Mythbusters-Which Drink Makes You More Hung-Over, Beer or Liquor?
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