15 years ago, the human DNA code was sequenced by groups led by Craig Venter and Francis Collins.
Well now we have another first. In a set of more than 20 published papers, the human Epi-Genome has now been decoded for at least 120+ different types of tissue.
Why is this important?
It turns out that the genetics of every sickness you could get or not, and every type of tissue your body could make or function it could have are all structured sort of like a big computer.
The DNA is one gigantic Operating System full of many hundred-thousand little programs. -But it’s STATIC, and Read-Only.
The different pieces of us that make up every different type of human body tissue are created by each of the individual little programs.
And what/who decides which of these get run & how?
Well, some of these programs are run automatically. Others are not. These are run by You, Your Life-Experience & Your Environment.
And your life and how you live it is like someone sitting at the keyboard, and very slightly changing those programs, their instructions and when they run. This happens just by the variation in your life-experience, diet, exercise, toxins you’re exposed to, the part of your body-chemistry that’s affected by your psychology, and a few other things.
This new development is important in that it’s beginning to show the Actual Code of 100+ of those little programs.
-Which ultimately, is the key to just about all health.
Not only that, but the scientists are already figuring out the specific programming-language your little routines are written in, because:
1)They’ve discovered 25,000 different small “programs”,
2)Each of which have about 40,000 3-position On/Off switches in their code.
And many of these have already been shown to affect & change about 60 different traits any person could have, including diseases.
Some of these include Alzheimer’s, Auto-Immune & Cancers.
This first giant encyclopedia was made possible by the NIH’s Project:Roadmap and it will serve as the next big starting-point for the future of all medicine.
Because, if they can figure out the code of how all these tiny little programs run, what those switches do, & how they are changed, by what factors,…
-maybe they can fix it when they go wrong.
It’s like making a computer’s “Control Panel” for all the tissues & diseases of the human body.
-Except way more functional than Windows & no Microsoft programmers will be allowed on.
(Why, you ask? Four letters: BSOD. Heh.)
All kidding aside, those code-changes are the other neat part of this. You Cannot change your Read-Only Hard-Drive:DNA, but you can Absolutely change how it gets expressed.
That’s what Epigenetics & its future is all about.
Now if only these far-off improvements would just get here sooner…
Check the links if you dare, the details are quite furiously-nerdy:
(PS: I have a bold prediction. When they finally unravel all the code & how to fix it, doctors will discover that many folk-remedies, meditation, yoga, traditional herbs & supplements do very positive things for a person’s epigenome.)
Photo/Video Credits: YT,Nature: Epigenome, The Symphony In Your Cells
• Source: MIT
• via: DailyMail
• More Coverage: Stanford | NIH | Project Roadmap
• Source Study: Nature
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