Holy Santiago Ramón y Cajal, Batman!
Smack My Bitch Up, Hans!
So the brain isn’t a “bowl of spaghetti”?
The awesome handiwork of The Spanish Leonardo Da Vinci aside,
The team of MRI-packing researchers from Harvard, MIT, BU, etc. led by Van Wedeen has come up with a new connection-map, or connectome of the brain,
-By tracing the motion of water molecules.
And contrary to the loosely-organized chaos it had always seemed to be, the new connection map looks basically like a series of well-organized, right-angle-intersecting technicolor mohawks,
Several Midtown-NYC traffic maps stacked on top of each other,
-Or a boy-band hairdo from the 90s;
Take your pick.
Must-See Video of Van Wedeen laying the smacketh downeth on the research & what it means.
Photo/Video Credits:
“Physical dimensions of the neuronal circuits of a mammal, a cephalopod and an insect”, by Santiago Ramon y Cajal
Human Connectome Map, Side View, byVan Wedeen, Martinos Center and Dept. of Radiology/Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard U. Medical School
Human Connectome Interview with Van Wedeen, NSF and Harvard
• Source: NIH News
• via: Neatorama
• More Coverage: NIH-Human Connectome Project | HCP-Consortium 1 | HCP- Consortium 2 | RDMag | ScienceMag.org | NSF-Wedeen Video | Wikipedia-Santiago Ramon y Cajal
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