Not Just For LOLs:
And now, as a reward for making it through tax season, I give you: The Healing Power Of Cats!
While she may put the benefits down to just purring, infographic artist Gemma Busquets is still on the right track.
Several health benefits have been attributed to general pet ownership. For Example: slightly reducing your stress for next tax season by saving you money.
-Because you’ll have to visit the doctor a total of 4% less than a dog owner, and 12% less than someone without a pet. And speaking of health benefits…
Positive Effects From Allergies To Cardio:
From reducing development of allergies, to functioning as a potential suicide-reduction for lonely adults, empathy-training for socially-developing children, and of-course winning your heart in internet videos everywhere,
Cat-ownership has been at least positively-correlated with health-improvement if not outright deemed the cause of it.
One of the most stunning examples is death related to heart attack or cardiovascular issues. In a study by the University of Minnesota, Adnan Quereshi and his team found a 30-40% reduction in the mortality rate for those conditions in cat owners.
Pretty great cortisol-reduction for a fuzzy little noisebox, eh?
Fewer Cardio Issues Through Stress-Reduction:
And while you might assume dog owners get more cardiovascular exercise, they were not found to have a lowered mortality rate.
It’s also possible that because the main pathway Adnan suggests is health-improvement through stress-reduction, cats win out because they can come to you, get in your lap to insist on being petted and raise your serotonin & oxytocin right there,
-Instead of needing a large and potentially stressful production to get them their exercise, like a dog.
Autoimmune Reduction & Improved Socialization:
They may also decrease the amount of autoimmune-disorders by giving your immune system a little something to fight, like the irritants in their dander & fur. -Similar to the early-exposure said to reduce allergies in children.
Not to mention their social-catalyst function. Especially since all types of pet owners are viewed more socially. -And women particularly appreciate men who own cats because of the notion they must be more sensitive and intelligent.
Cats are also fantastic at manipulating women, so that’s good training for men, too.
So: Many wins for such a small cash outlay & light maintenance. Go Cats! And on to the rest of the infographic:
Image Credits: “The Healing Power of Cat Purrs”, infographic by Gemma Busquets
• Source: The Healing Power Of Cat Purrs
• via: Daily Infographic
• More Coverage: SciAm-Cats Purring + Healing | NYT-Psychological Benefits For Children | Mental Floss
• Source Studies:
• J.Vasc.Interv.Neurol.-Cat ownership and the Risk of Fatal Cardiovascular Diseases. Results from the Second National Health and Nutrition Examination Study Mortality Follow-up Study.
• Am.J.Orthopsychiatry-Another Breed of “Service” Animals: STARS Study Findings about Pet Ownership and Recovery from Serious Mental Illness
• Acoustical Society Am.-The felid purr: A healing mechanism?
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