Grandmas & Pre-K Teachers Were Onto Something All Along!:
I guess as long was we all recognize Gary Vaynerchuck as the Fifth Horseman Of The Apocalypse, we’re all going to get along great here.
Because as any non-Elon tech bro can tell you, it is possible to push yourself too hard and burnout is a real thing.
On the other side of the world, they seem to have a bit less caffeine and some older, odder daily traditions called Siesta.
Maybe it was just socialism or recovery from the hottest part of the day in southern Europe. Like a thirst-quencher Sangria for mind & body.
But it was lost on the “Coffee-Achieving” West, until just recently.
And a team from London and Uruguay is finding out there’s a lot more to naps than anyone outside Portugal, Italy, Greece, or Spain might imagine…
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