Well that didn’t take long.
The Human Brain Project comes out, and dares to make you obsolete from atop its icy Blofeldian Swiss Alps.
BOOM! -Along comes IBM with Cognitive Computing and SyNAPSE…
To help you choose which brand of Ketchup at the Kroger’s.
Oh well, at least [the allegedly 1st Cognitive Computer] Watson was good at “Jeopardy”.
More info at the vids and links below:
JUMP BONUS 1!: IBM’s Master Inventor Dharmendra Modha talks about the SyNAPSE Project a little more in-depth.
JUMP BONUS 2!: One sample diagram of a network of neurosynaptic chips:

JUMP BONUS 3!: Cognitive Computing Exhibit A: Watson
Photo/Video Credits:
“New Era of Cognitive Computing”, “Cognitive Computing: The SyNAPSE Project “, “Visualization of a simulated network of neurosynaptic chips”, and “IBM Watson: The Science Behind an Answer”, all by IBMLabs
• Source: IBM-Cognitive Computing
• via: Mashable
• More Coverage: IBM’s Neurosynaptic Computer Chips | IBM-Watson Project | DARPA $21M Grant to IBM For Neurosynaptic Chips | Flickr Gallery of SyNAPSE Technical Diagrams
Not new and not “news”!!! What Hopfield and student Sejnowski never realized nor gave credit for is as follows: Artificial neural-networks(ANN) patterned on biological neural networks(BNN) artificial-intelligence(ANN) were alive and well long before 1980 when physicist Edward Siegel [consulting with Richard Feynman(Caltech) for ANN AI pioneer Charles Rosen(Machine-Intelligence) & Irwin Wunderman(H.P.) & Vesco Marinov & Adolph Smith(Exxon Enterprises/A.I.) discovered trendy much-hyped “quantum-computing” by two-steps: (1) “EUREKA”: realization that ANNs by-rote on-node switching sigmoid-function 1/[1 + e^(E/T)] ~ 1/[1 + e^(hw/kT)] ~ 1/[+ 1 + e^(E/T)] ~ 1/[ + 1 + e^(hw/kT)] is Fermi-Dirac quantum-statistics 1/[1 + e^ (E/ T)] ~ 1/[1 + e^(hw/kT)] ~ 1/[+ 1 + e^(E/T)] ~ 1/[ + 1 + e^(hw/kT)] = 1/[e^(hw/kT) + 1] dominated by Pauli exclusion-principle forcing non-optimal local-minima(example: periodic-table’s chemical-elements) forcing slow memory-costly computational-complexity Boltzmann-machine plus simulated-annealing, but permitting from non-optimal local-minima to optimal global-minimum quantum-tunneling!!! (2) “SHAZAM”: quantum-statistics “supersymmetry”- transmutation from Fermi-Dirac to Bose-Einstein 1/[+ 1/[e^(hw/kT) + 1] —> 1/[e^(hw/kT) – 1] ~ 1/f power-spectrum, with no local-minima and permitting Bose-Einstein condensation( BEC) via a noise-induced phase-transition (NIT). Frohlich biological BEC & BNN 1/f-“noise”~”generalized-susceptibility” power-spectrum concurred!!! Siegel’s work[IBM Conference on Computers & Mathematis,Stanford(1986); Symposium on Fractals, MRS Fall Meeting, Boston(1989)=five seminal-papers!!!] was used without any attribution whatsoever as/by “Page-Brin” PageRank[R. Belew, Finding Out About, Cambridge(2000)]Google first search-engine!!! Siegel empirically rediscovered Aristotle’s”square-of-opposition” in physics and mathematics, which three-dimensionally tic-tac-toe diagrams synonyms(functors) versus antonyms (morphisms) versus analogy/metaphor. Amazingly neuroimager Jan Wedeen has recently clinically discovered just such a three-dimensional network of neurons which dominates human brain thinking. Siegel “FUZZYICS=CATEGORYICS=PRAGMATYICS”/ Category-Semantics Cognition for physics/mathematics is a purposely-simple variant of Altshuler-Tsurakov-Lewis “TRIZ”(Russian acronym: “Method of Inventive Problem-Solving”) embodied in softwares Invention-Machine(Boston) and Ideation(Michigan)for engineers inventing optimality!